Our next election is the California Primary on Super Tuesday, March 3, 2020. I am registered No Party Preference and will request a Democratic ballot at the poll. How will I vote?
- President: Sanders or Warren Bernie is a bit to her left on some things but not enough and not on race. She might get more good things done, but it’s unclear. His foreign policy is way better. His principled opposition to superdelegates may yet win me over.
- Rep: write in Angela Davis Barbara Lee will win. Nobody’s running against her on the left. Good chance to protest by writing in our local prison abolitionist scholar, or someone else who you admire
- Senator: Nancy Skinner I was gonna recommend a protest write-in, but I’m changing my mind at the last second to support her for introducing SB960 - legalizing threatened housing is exactly what we need right now. Well played, Skinner.
- Assembly Dist 15: write in Jovanka Beckles She’s not actually running this time but she ran against Buffy Wicks in 2018. A better protest vote than Sara Brink, who’s kind of navel-gazey and annoying.
- Office 2 Judge: Elena Condes Progressive queer latina former defense attorney endorsed by incumbent. Definite yes.
- Prop 13: no School bonds are ok but this waives developer fees and subsidizes charter schools. Not to be confused with that other thing
Alameda County
- Dist 5 Supervisor: none I don’t know
- Measure C: yes sales tax is super regressive, but it’s only a half cent and childcare is good
- Measure Q: YES parcel tax of $150/year is also a bit regressive, but worth it for homeless services
- Measure R: YES completely necessary and boring technicality. lets city council decide what newspaper you have to publish notices in, since the last one closed. lol journalism is dying this is fine
- Measure S: YES the obligatory “are you sure you want your city to continue operating?” because Paul Gann hates us
- If you’re in CA’s 63rd (LA) please help vote out Anthony Rendon, who blocked a debate on universal health care!
other voting guides
- Alameda County Green Party
- Alameda Labor Council
- Alfred Twu
- Alice B Toklas
- Bay Area Reporter
- Bay Area Rising
- California Democratic Party
- Catalyst
- Claudia Leung
- Courage CA
- Drake Talk Oakland
- EB Citizen
- EB For Everyone
- EB Stonewall Democrats
- EB Young Democrats
- Frustrated Socialists
- League of Conservation Voters
- League of Pissed Off Voters
- League of Women Voters
- Mara & Carter
- MNG, aka corporate overlords of East Bay Times and Mercury News
- Oakland Rising
- Our Revolution East Bay
- People Powered Progressives
- Pete Woiwode
- Planned Parenthood
- Progressive California
- Richmond Progressive Alliance
- SF Bay Guardian
- SF Berniecrats
- SF Public Press
- SF Rising
- SF Tenants Union
- Space Cats
- Stardust Doherty
- Voters Edge
- Wellstone Club